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3 1/2 Stars-The Buffalo News


Connor Graham as 'Conrad'

Emily Yancey as 'Nina'

Rick Lattimer as "Dev"

Candice Kogut as 'Mash'

Diane DiBernardo as "Emma'

Thomas LaChiusa as "Trigorin"

Scot Kaitanowski as "Sorn"



Michael Lodick - Director

Marissa Allen - Stage Manager

John Shotwell - Lighting Design

Elaine Heckler - Costume Design

Thomas LaChiusa

Matthew LaChiusa - Set Design

Kerilea Butler - Production Manager


330 Performance Space

Buffalo NY 14207

"I was just as excited leaving ART of WNY as I was leaving Lincoln Center that night. A terrific night at the theater seeing a play deconstructing Chekov is a terrific night at the theater seeing a play deconstructing Chekov, whatever the size and location of the theater itself."

-Ann Marie Cusella, Buffalo Vibe

"Director Michael Lodick has assembled a sharp and adept production whose ensemble holds our hands throughout this conversation. Lodick has a firm grip on Posner’s goals, going beyond directing his script to interpreting it." Ben Seigel, Buffalo News

© 2014 Copywright American Repertory Theater of WNY, Inc

All Rights Reserved/Website Pictures used only through permission

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