Mission Statement

The Compass Performing Arts Center mission statement is defined in two parts. The creation of a forum that will highlight all forms of local and regional creative mediums. By initiating an performance space for all members of the Creative Class, the opportunity will enable all regional artists an active voice, and, in turn, foster continuing creativity for all local members of the Creative Class. Secondly, in collaborating with the American Repertory Theater of WNY will present theatrical works from regional playwrights as well as contemporary and classic playwrights. These two parts of the company’s mission will ensure engagement from the creative components of the community and through this commitment also act as an economic engine for local businesses that will benefit from having this forum in the community.
The overall goal of the Compass Performing Arts Center is to form a coalition of creative class individuals to oversee the artistic vision detailed in the mission statement. Through this collective, called the Artistic Directors Board, decisions will be made in a democratic manner in how seasons are planned, personnel that will be brought in, special event & fundraisers, and handing business matters including contracts, royalties, technological upgrades as well as budgeting productions. In working close with the Artistic Directors Board, all related Compass Performing Arts Center operations will be ran efficient, productively and with transparency.
In addition to the Artistic Directors Board, a Writers Circle will be formed to oversee the selection and production of local & regional playwrights’ works. Akin the famous 1919 Algonquin Round Table, a select group of playwrights, directors and actors will coordinate the implementation of original works into a season. This group will also be responsible for the recruitment of local and regional playwrights for production consideration, organizing workshops and readings of works, dramaturge of selected works, and ensuring plays scheduled for full production are met with performance values expectations.
By ensuring through a strong community connection, both creatively and the private sector, the Compass Performing Arts Center will uphold the company’s motto:
Art for People. By People.