Donating to the Compass
The Compass Performance Arts Center relies on the "Grass-Roots" support of the Western New York community. A larger percentage of revenue comes through direct ticket sales, subscriptions, individual donations or fundraising. CPAC does not receives government money, grants or foundation money instead relies on public and business support to generate revenue streams.
Below is a breakdown of the estimated revenue percentages for the 2019-20 Season

As indicated by the Revenue Pie Chart, 68% of funding comes from the private and business sector. That's YOU making a difference!

Listed below is the estimated expenses for the 2019-20 season

From the Expense Pie Chart, you can see where your donation is spent. The highest percentage is the pirce of renting a privately owned building to perform at. The Compass Performning Arts Center is one of the few operating theater companies in the Western New York area that has to pay for both rent and utilities.